In the past, my biography would have been described as a “detour biography”. But maybe I was just ahead of my time, who can say? In any case, I now know that everything has a purpose and that you can't make mistakes. And that conscious decisions are more effective than unconscious ones. I would be happy to help you make conscious decisions.
About my career: Business coach, life cruise coach, transformation coach, and transformation therapist according to Robert Betz, moderation trainer, partly self-employed as a coach since 2015, seminar leader at the ZAK of the KIT since 2017, more than ten years manager in science, PhD in Humanities at KIT.
Additional infos|links:
Contact & registration: or
Further information:
I offer individual coaching for the LifeCruiseNavi, completely or just individual parts of it, appointments on request.
Working language: German
Further Informationen:
LifeCruise coaching in a group (max. 12 participants) with 7 modules of 4 hours each
Brief description: During coaching in a group, the participants support each other, and the process is guided, inspired, and brought to the point by the coach. I experienced the valuable insights that result from the group work myself as a participant and now also as a coach in seminars offered by the Center for Applied Cultural Sciences and General Studies (ZAK) at the University of Karlsruhe (KIT).
If you work in a group, the course design is structured in 7 "ship passages". So we are going through 7 modules of 4 hours each. A gap of one or two weeks between the modules has proven to be very appropriate so that there is enough time for reflection and so-called research tasks between the modules but keeps you as a participant staying with the topic.
At the end of 7 passages …
Duration: 7 modules over two to three months
Time required: 4 hours a week + approx. 3 hours of follow-up work on in-depth 'research tasks' alone and with a tandem partner from your coaching group
Dates and times:
Course language: German
Location: Online via Zoom
Number of participants: 12
Investment: 520 Euro per person